Vi som står bakom Spilloteket är tre lärare med många års erfarenhet från skola och förskola. Vi har vidareutbildat oss framförallt kring de estetiska lärprocesserna och med ateljeristakompetens i bagaget blev steget till spillirista naturligt.

The spilliristas
What makes three teachers throw themselves out of safe jobs, start a Spillotek, rename themselves as spilliristas and thus fight for a better world, with children's and young people's voices as the obvious focus? It´s all pretty silly. The climate is changing and we are beginning to collect waste, people go on plasticdiet and we fill our bus with plastic. In addition, we let children use the material. And then we say nothing less than that the world needs spilliristas!
Yes, the world actually needs spilliristas. The world needs everyone who sees their skills and drive as an opportunity to change the world for the better. Everyone is needed. And on that basis, Spilloteket has taken the liberty to create a completely new professional competence. Because all the important occupations have been invented sometime.
We who are behind Spilloteket are three teachers with many years of experience from school and preschool. We have further educated ourselves on the aesthetic learning processes and with the Ateljerista expertise in the luggage, the step to the spillirista became natural.
The wastematerial
Industrial waste - is that really a solution for today's challenges? Isn´t it entirely on reverse to everything that is of relevance today, such as digitization, plastic cleaning and waste sorting?
Spilloteket lives in the middle of this paradox, and we believe that it´s our best asset. Wastematerials have low status and at the industries it is very unglamorous to dive into containers to bring out the gold nuggets in the midst of snus prills and oils. But sorted and put in a new context, it becomes like a candystore of possibilities. In addition, we strongly believe in creativity and participation - then we think this is the best combo of all times!

About Spilloteket
Spilloteket is a creative democracy workshop and an educational forum that uses waste material from Jämtland's industries in all its doing and thinking. It is a creative place for dialogue, innovations and learning. We work with norm and groundbreaking solutions with the global goals for sustainable development as a starting point. We challenge each other to stop taking resources from the planet and instead think again, utilize existing material, let it have a new shape or function. People possess creative superpowers and we release them using waste materials. Our aim is that children and young people should be heard more in the social dialogue, be able to influence for real and be visible in the public space. We want children and young people to feel that they are not preparing for life but that they are living and participating at the moment.

Wastematerial is a completely new and unknown material to get in your hands. There are no predetermined images of what it should be or how it should be used. Wastematerial, as a choice of material, naturally raises questions and thoughts on how we can utilize the earth's resources and promote sustainable development. It is an exciting material that triggers the imagination in a different way and sets the creativity in motion. But it is also a gender-equal material without links to stereotypical images.
Wastematerial is a social material that invites to joint construction and laboratory work. It encourages a humorous, permissive and investigative approach.
Game material also raises issues and thoughts about industry and manufacturing and our need for new innovations that can benefit society and become a link to the actual companies and industries that are in the immediate area.
The wastematerial has low status and it is somewhat elusive to use "junk" as an enabler to think new. The wastematerial goes from being junk to being material for construction when it´s sorted and lifted into a new context. It can thus symbolize all the rubbish in the world, if we arrange it, sort it... what can happen then? The waste becomes a concrete help to look at the world with other eyes. Wastematerial is in abundance, then it is smart to take advantage of it.